The Right Care from the Right Person
Nearly everyone who calls a GP practice to make an appointment asks to see to a GP, but very often help will be available from other highly skilled medical professionals such as Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Pharmacist, Practice Nurse, Health Care Assistant and GP Assistant, or from other services, including the voluntary sector, who can support people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs
Our Reception Team are trained Care Navigators. This means they can help you access the correct service. They will need to ask for a brief description of your problem. This does not mean they are being nosey or trying to stop you from seeing a Clinician, they are trying to help you to see the most appropriate person to deal with your problem.
We currently have 5 GPs Dr Gareth Cox, Dr Sharmila Armitage, Dr Joel Coppeard, Dr Indu Raju and Dr Mamitha Saligrama, together with our Advanced Nurse Practitioner Barbara Slack who are supported by our Practice Nurses, Clinical Pharmacist, GP Assistant and Health Care Assistants.
How does our Appointment system work?
We have a mix of face to face appointments and telephone appointments. Our reception team need to offer you the most appropriate appointment to deal with your problem. You may not always need a face to face appointment with a GP/Nurse at the surgery, you may be offered a telephone consultation, extended access appointment or directed to pharmacy or a local walk-in centre. A receptionist will need to ask you for details of the problem you are calling with, this is to enable use to direct you to the most appropriate clinician.
For minor symptoms less than 3 days old, we would encourage you to consult your local pharmacy or see our self care section on our website.
Should you turn up 10 minutes or more late for your appointment you may not be seen, and your appointment may have to be rescheduled.
Further information is available at the surgery.
If you struggle to see/speak to a Clinician during normal working hours, please ask our reception team about Extended Access Appointments. These are available both evening and weekends with a range of clinicians at different locations across Warrington
Remote and face to face appointments are available- there is an array of clinicians available who can be seen remotely or face to face, such as GPs and Nurses.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
If you can not make your appointment let us know as soon as you can so another patient can book the appointment time. You can cancel or change your appointment using SystmOnline online access. If you are not registered for SystmOnline please speak with reception.
There is an option available on our phone system for appointment cancellations. When calling the main number (01925 631991), please press option 0 (zero). This will give you the option to leave a voicemail with information relating to the appointment you wish to cancel. The voicemail will be checked at regular intervals during the day.
Please note that this is for Appointment Cancellations Only.
Extended Access Appointments
Where and When?
Appointments are available at various GP Practices during weekday evenings and at Orford Jubilee on the weekend
Don't see your Practice? Don't worry. Any patient registered at one of our 7 Practices in Warrington Innovation PCN can be booked into an appointment on any one of those days. Our Practices are:
- 4 Seasons Medical Centre
- Chapelford Medical Centre
- Culceth Medical Centre
- Guardian Street Medical Centre
- Parkview Medical Centre
- Springfields Medical Centre
- Westbrook Medical Centre
Who can I see?
You will be seen by a local clinician, who will not necessarily be from your GP Practice. GPs, Nurses, Phlebotomists will be available.
How do I book?
Please contact your GP Practice and ask for an evening or weekend appointment. The member of staff will try to book you in at a time/day that suits you.
Please note appointments are subject to availability.
GP out of hours service
The out of hours GP service is open Monday to Friday 6.30pm to 8.00am and weekends and public holidays 24 hours a day. The emergency GP out of hour’s service in Warrington provides urgent healthcare services for patients who feel their illness cannot wait until their GP surgery re-opens. To access, please call NHS 111.
On Line Telephone and Face to Face Appointment Booking
If you wish to register for on-line appointment booking you will need to call into surgery to complete a registration form. Two forms of identification are required to register eg. utility bill, bank statement, driving license, passport.
Patients can manage GP appointments online:
- View past appointments (up to 5)
- View future appointments (up to 2)
- Book a telephone and face to face appointments.
- Cancel a telephone or face to face appointment
- View your medical records including test results
You will also be able to manage repeat prescription requests.
Please use Systmonline to book an appointment online.
Download a guide to the SystmOnline service (DOCX, 1.01MB)
Beat the early morning telephone rush for appointments

Registered for Online Access?
Online Telephone Appointments are released at around 7.30am Monday to Friday allowing you to avoid queuing on the telephone.
If you are not registered for online access please speak with reception.
SystmOnline App
SystmOnline is also available as an app, which can be used on Apple devices (iPhones and iPads) and on Android devices (mobile phones and tablets). The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and from the Google Play Store. Simply click the relevant logo on the SystmOnline Login page.
Out of Hours
Read more out of hours information.
Home Visits
Remember that we can see several patients at the practice in the time it takes for one home visit. Patients should have their appointment at the surgery if they can.
Lack of transport is not a reason to request a home visit.