Repeat prescriptions can be requested in 3 ways;
Unfortunately we can’t accept prescription requests over the phone
How to order online
To order prescriptions online you can use ;
The Apps can be downloaded from the Apple or Google Play Stores
If your repeat prescription options disappear online please put the medications you need in a custom request in the free text box
How to order via email
Please send an email with a list of the medications you need to
Please include your name, date of birth and NHS number in the request
How to order via a written request
Please use right hand side of your last prescription
Please tick the items that you need
This can be dropped into reception or our post box that at the entrance to Bath Street
When should I order my repeat prescription
We advise that you order medications 7 working days before you’re due to run out
Please order Controlled Drugs 3 working days before you're due to run out Please see the Controlled Drug Prescription page for more information
How long will a repeat prescription take for the practice to process
The majority of prescriptions are done within a day of requesting
Please check with the pharmacy to see if they have received your medication before calling us
Please allow up to 3 working days before calling to chase a repeat prescription. This is because some medications have queries on them that need to be resolved before we can issue
If your medication request is urgent please call reception
Specialist Medication Requests
Please allow up to 5 working days from receipt of a clinical letter for a medication to be issued that a specialist has requested from a clinic appointment
If the medication is required sooner than this the hospital should issue a supply whilst you are waiting
Medication reviews
Repeat prescription reviews are essential for safe prescribing
They may include
- A discussion with a Pharmacist, Doctor
- A blood test
Medication reviews are usually set at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months
The time between reviews depends on the type of medication and how long you have been on it
To ensure we prescribe safely if you do not attend for reviews we will consider
- Reducing how much medication we can issue
- Stopping medications
NHS charges
Prescription charges apply in England only
In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.
For more information on prescriptions please see the attached page
NHS prescription charges - NHS (
To see if you could get your prescriptions free of charge
Check if you can get free prescriptions - NHS (